Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's wrong with this picture, part 2

I'm copying 25 items -- a total of 60.3 KB -- and it says it's gonna take about 5 minutes.

"Hey, Mr. Car, thanks for the mileage estimate on this upcoming left turn. How long do you think this turn should take?"
"Thaaaaaat looks like about a 10-minute turn there."
"Really?? Why so long?"
"Listen. You can turn, or you can turn RIGHT. Which is it gonna be?"
"You mean right like correct, or right like the direction? Because I wanna go left--"
"All right, wise guy, you just added 3 minutes to your turn."
"....is it too late for me to go back to riding a bike?"
"You don't want a bike. They're not compatible with any of the major fuel types."

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