Chalain: OH MAN
Chalain: About Vista!
Chalain: There's a whole set of settings that actually make it act SANE.
Chalain: It's like having an infected thorn pulled out of my brain.
Randy Tayler: Indeed??
Chalain: No.
He'd been deliberately pulling my leg. He made Vista livable, as he puts it, by installing Kubuntu.
I went to restart the computer earlier today -- to make the Vista changes take affect, I should remind you -- and it started to restart. I walked away -- I needed to get away from my computer for a while. When I came back, I saw that it hadn't restarted, because instead of a quick DING! pop-up, it had hemmed and hawed and waited 'til I was gone before giving this notice:

My jaw hurts from clenching it so much today.
Vista sucks, and refuses to just restart when you ask it to,
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