Monday, May 12, 2008

Gamers Still Don't Dig Vista

Interesting article about how gamers aren't jumping onboard with Vista despite the superior graphics capabilities. Good choice, men! Don't do it!

That said, I want a bumper sticker that says "Mac Is Not the Answer".

Vista (and Leopard) Suck,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

And there's a reason why...

They had problems even getting DX10 game performance to acceptable levels AFTER it went out. DX9 titles? Up to 30% slower. OpenGL titles? Ditto.

Nobody wants it because it's a resource pig and it's vastly SLOWER than it's predecessor. With XP, while it wanted more resources, when given, it provided a decent level of performance out of a system. The same can't be said of Vista. With Vista, you need the absolute top-end systems to get average performance in games.