Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Who Gave You Permission to Restart??

Damn you, Vista! I left my computer ON last night because I had multiple complex files open so I could resume my work this morning where I left off. I had the browser open to the pages with database results I was looking at; I had the VPN connection finally working that you so stubbornly resist every time I try to connect... SO WHO SAID YOU COULD RESTART?

I come in to find my machine decided it needed to install some updates.

I think what that pop-up meant to say was this:

Vista sucks, without my permission,

Monday, May 12, 2008

Gamers Still Don't Dig Vista

Interesting article about how gamers aren't jumping onboard with Vista despite the superior graphics capabilities. Good choice, men! Don't do it!

That said, I want a bumper sticker that says "Mac Is Not the Answer".

Vista (and Leopard) Suck,


Saturday, March 22, 2008


A well-informed article that explains how and why Microsoft should abandon Vista.

Remember Windows ME? No? Yeah, it was this operating system they made that... well, it's gone now. The difference with this OS is probably in the dollar signs that went behind its marketing. Because it sure ain't much more beloved than old ME was.

Vista sucks, but only as long as it lives,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Now there's a service worth paying for...

A shop is advertising Vista removal.

Man. I'd hate to be Steve Ballmer right about now.

On the way to the bank, however, I wouldn't mind being him. You know, temporarily.

Vista sucks, and I'm now posting this from Leopard,
